Monthly Archives: October 2015

Telehealth in remote Northern Territory: Bridging the gap

October 22nd, 2015 (No Comments)

Click here to access article In this Letter to the Editor, Quilty and colleagues explain how Telehealth provides an ideal model of care in remote areas of the Northern Territory.    

Making Telehealth Sustainable in South Australia

October 12th, 2015 (No Comments)

        Making Telehealth Sustainable in SA In this presentation, Dr Victoria Wade, Clinical Director, Adelaide Unicare e-Health and Telehealth Unit Research Fellow, Discipline of General Practice The University of Adelaide, discusses some of the key drivers needed for successful implementation of Telehealth services. For further detail on the Unicare project, and additional Telehealth resources, […]

Telehealth means care closer to home for Central Otago children with diabetes

October 7th, 2015 (No Comments)

          View article This article describes a new paediatric diabetes telemedicine clinic, introduced by NZ Southern DHB paediatric endocrinologist Dr Ben Wheeler (pictured above). The clinic means that Central Otago children under Dr Wheeler’s care can consult with him via a half hour video conference in the clinic at the local hospital, […]